کتاب The Rules of Love

کتاب The Rules of Loveنوشته Richard Templar، توسط انتشارات pearson به چاپ رسیده است.

موضوع کتاب: زبان, زبان انگلیسی, برای دانشجویان رشته زبان انگلیسی, آموزشی زبان, مهارت خواندن

Strong, loving relationships are what lifes all about. And some people are really good at it. They find a partner who makes them happy and they seem to know instinctively how to handle tricky times and keep the relationship fresh and rewarding. They make friends easily and have lasting relationships that stand the test of time. They are the lynchpin of a strong supportive family. They make it look effortless. Yet for most of us it just isnt that straightforward. Love may be a basic human instinct, but sharing your life with other people isnt always easy. Is there something these people know that we dont? Is there something we can all benefit from? The answer is a resounding yes. They know The Rules of Love. The Rules of Love are a set of guiding principles that will help form and sustain strong, enduring and ultimately life enhancing relationships. This new edition includes 7 brand new rules for even happier and more fulfilling relationships. Youll feel the benefits - and so will everybody around you

روابط یکی از مهمترین شادی های زندگی ما هستند و روبط ما با کسی که عاشقش هستیم شاید مهمترین انگیزه زندگی باشد.  اگر شخصی باعث شدی بی پایان شما باشد، پس چه چیزی مهم تر از نگه داشتن این حس فوق العاده خواهد بود؟  این کتاب قوانینی را به شما معرفی می کند که با استفاده از آن میتوانید رابطه ای عمیق، قدرتمند و همیشگی بسازید.

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کتاب The Rules of Loveنوشته Richard Templar، توسط انتشارات pearson به چاپ رسیده است.

موضوع کتاب: زبان, زبان انگلیسی, برای دانشجویان رشته زبان انگلیسی, آموزشی زبان, مهارت خواندن

Strong, loving relationships are what lifes all about. And some people are really good at it. They find a partner who makes them happy and they seem to know instinctively how to handle tricky times and keep the relationship fresh and rewarding. They make friends easily and have lasting relationships that stand the test of time. They are the lynchpin of a strong supportive family. They make it look effortless. Yet for most of us it just isnt that straightforward. Love may be a basic human instinct, but sharing your life with other people isnt always easy. Is there something these people know that we dont? Is there something we can all benefit from? The answer is a resounding yes. They know The Rules of Love. The Rules of Love are a set of guiding principles that will help form and sustain strong, enduring and ultimately life enhancing relationships. This new edition includes 7 brand new rules for even happier and more fulfilling relationships. Youll feel the benefits - and so will everybody around you

روابط یکی از مهمترین شادی های زندگی ما هستند و روبط ما با کسی که عاشقش هستیم شاید مهمترین انگیزه زندگی باشد.  اگر شخصی باعث شدی بی پایان شما باشد، پس چه چیزی مهم تر از نگه داشتن این حس فوق العاده خواهد بود؟  این کتاب قوانینی را به شما معرفی می کند که با استفاده از آن میتوانید رابطه ای عمیق، قدرتمند و همیشگی بسازید.

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    Richard Templar
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